Another Feel Good Story

December 29, 2009

Mike Madonia, UB alumnus and now Director of Development at the School of Engineering, writes about the impact that everyday Buffalonians – and everyday Buffalo – has on him and the people around him.

If only the Buffalo News could replace any one (of their typically four) alarmist and/or depressive tone-setting front-page reports with one of these every day; we’d all be smiling just a little more, holding our heads just a little higher, and seeing good PR about our area spread just a little further.

Buffalo Dreamin’

December 14, 2009

Andrew Sullivan from The Daily Dish had this article today.  Its references contain many more compliments about the Buffalo region.  Funny how often I sense more optimism for this city from sources that live outside the area, than those who live within its boundaries.

Thank you, Andrew, for a great article.

How Many Employees Does it Take?

December 13, 2009

While Buffalo Pundit chastises the Buffalo Economic Renaissance Corporation for lack of strategic foresight in its lending practices, I found today’s article on the BERC disappointing for a wholly different reason:

-It takes 25 employees to administer about a loan a month.

Six-sigma lean it ain’t.

Whiteout Conditions

December 10, 2009

On a day when they closed all area schools; and the winds gusted to over 50 mph; when the Weather Channel warned of a bitter cold weather pattern expected to last all day; with the possibility of 6 to 10 inches of snow in the Southtowns and more in the Southern Tier, my normal 30 minute commute to work took me…40 minutes.

How long did it take you?